Friday, February 26, 2010


I’ve loved this movie ever since it came out. Not only did it have Rob Brydon in it, but I also liked how they illustrated this little girl’s struggle with her parents. I could relate to this movie because my mom was also severely ill. I loved the idea of her bad character taking over her world as a response and for her to have to fight her way to get back. Not only did I feel they achieved this with the script and the acting, but I also felt that the visuals also help further this concept along. I liked how the roles of the parents almost paralleled the queens’ and the father’s role in her dream world. I saw the dark queen as being the little’s vision of her mom when she ordered her to go to her juggling act and when she was yelling at her by the trailer. Then, on the other hand, I saw the sleeping white queen as her mother while she was at the hospital. It was pretty obvious that her dream world was a way for her to be able to help her mom and do something about her being asleep (ill). Since she couldn’t do anything in the real world, she saves her mom/the white queen in her dream world.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I was really excited about this book. I think I rather enjoy reading fantasy books. I first began reading this book in 8th grade. I can’t recall why I didn’t finish it, because I know I liked it back then too. I’m glad I got to go back and finish it. I like Tolkien. I am a big fan of the movie as well. I also think that the hobbit was an easy read. Not only because it is kind of a children’s book, but also because of the way it is written. Tolkien writes in the same manner in which people tell stories. The level of detail and background are also very enjoyable in my opinion. We get to go to a different world and become immersed in the characters stories. It is seldom that this happens for me when I read book. I supposed that the background stories that each of these races, characters, and places have, help sell the idea that the world of Middle Earth continues (or exists) even after you stop reading the books.


Every since I first saw the trailer, I was pretty excited about the movie. I wasn’t expecting an amazing story or script. However even at first glance, I knew the graphic would be very well done. I figured that they tried to make the story have some sort of meaning, but I didn’t think it was anything groundbreaking in that respect. I supposed people could see the message of how we are destroying this world. The messages were pretty blunt especially at the speech part. How we humans “destroyed our mother”. It reminds us that we are still dealing with environmental issues. People tend to forget. I thought it was good to remind people that our environmental problems wont go away unless we do something about it.
I also liked that they had this underlying message in this movie, because it did so well in the box office, that many people must have seen it.